A sensitive topic we want to pick up here just starting with a simple graphic:

Impact of Alcohol and Opioids in the United States

(Credit: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)

Shocking, isn’t it? But there is one thing that people always forget: we talk about alcohol in general here, wine is just one out of many beverages, such as beer, gin, vodka, to name a few, that contain alcohol and should not be considered similarly.

If we go to our category, global wine consumption per capita stands at 3.3 liters according to the 2022 data sourced from the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).

Seems a bit weak, no?

There are numerous reasons to enjoy a glass of wine, yet the world appears to be increasingly turning away from this beverage. We seek to understand why.

The increasing popularity of low- and no-alcohol options is evident, reflecting a healthier lifestyle shift. However, we aim to highlight the positive attributes of wine for well-being, with a reminder that alcohol is a neurotoxin. We’ve listed several reasons to hopefully guide your perspective favorably, emphasizing moderation in consumption.

Throughout this article, we’ll discuss wine in moderation, which generally means up to two drink units a day for women (equivalent to up to 200 ml of 12.5% volume wine) and up to three for men, although definitions may vary by country.

Grapes, especially from red varieties do contain anthocyanins which are benefit your health

(Photo: supamas/Adobe Stock)

Battling Artery Clogs

You may have heard that moderate alcohol intake can have a beneficial impact on overall health. For instance, it positively affects high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the hardening of arteries. Moderate consumption also diminishes the incidence of ischemic heart disease (IHD), improving the prognosis for those at elevated risk of heart complications, potentially leading to a heart attack.

In Love To Your Heart

Non-flavonoid polyphenols, a variety of antioxidants present in red grapes, are known for their myriad health benefits. Compounds in this category, including tannins, boast anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimutagenic properties, all contributing to heart health. Cardiologists concur that moderate alcohol consumption can indeed be heart-friendly, supporting overall cardiovascular well-being.

However, it is crucial to remember that overindulgence can lead to a myriad of health issues including coronary heart disease and various forms of cancer. So, while red wine can be enjoyed in moderation for its potential health benefits, it is imperative to practice responsible drinking to mitigate any associated risks.

It’s on a knife’s edge: wine as health support or health enemy

(Photo: Marcelo Leal, unsplash.com)

Efficient Fat Burner

Moderate intake of dark grapes, whether as grapes, juice, or wine, can potentially enhance fat metabolism and liver health, especially in overweight individuals, as indicated by a study co-authored by Neil Shay of Oregon State University. The research focused on red Muscadine grapes and their ellagic acid content, which significantly inhibited fat cell growth and improved fatty acid metabolism in the liver. While this doesn’t imply grape consumption leads to weight loss, it may contribute to better liver function in overweight individuals. The study aims to identify dietary strategies utilizing common foods like grapes to promote health benefits. However, it’s crucial to remember that wine contains alcohol and is not recommended as a beneficial health aid.

Get the fire

Alcohol widens blood vessels, enhancing circulation to extremities and the skin, which, when coupled with the warmth-inducing effects of tannic acid and histamines in red wine, creates a potent combination. So a glass of wine can be a choice in the upcoming cooler autumn months to help you feel warmer. However, it is proven that it might be dangerous if consumed in bigger amounts as the warm feeling doesn’t mean you are producing sufficient body heat, so you would not be protected from freezing in colder winter months. As mentioned numerous times, enjoying wine in moderation is key!

Bedtime Wine

The sleep-enhancing properties of wine might be attributed to resveratrol, a potent antioxidant found in grape skins. Resveratrol is renowned for its numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, promoting heart health, and potentially extending life expectancy. Additionally, wine contains melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Since the production of melatonin decreases with age, contributing to sleep disturbances, a glass of wine before bed might help elevate melatonin levels, thereby aiding sleep.

However, consuming excessive amounts of wine can impede liver function and negatively impact sleep quality, often resulting in feelings of unwellness or a hangover the following day.

As highlighted above, when consumed responsibly and in moderation, wine can offer multiple benefits and complement a healthy lifestyle. The emphasis should be on the quality, not the quantity, of wine consumed.
Enjoy it responsibly and savor each sip, mindful of its potential to contribute to well-being when not overdone.

Cheers! Your VinoVoss—Team.

by Lotte Gabrovits

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