Ever felt a dry, gum-like sensation on your palate after sipping wine? That’s the work of tannins. While they’re predominantly found in beverages like black tea or coffee, they play an essential role in the wine world, particularly in reds.

Tannins can also be found in chocolate, plant roots or bark of trees

(Credit: Alin Luna, unsplash.com)

Their presence varies depending on the style: they can be abundant in reds, less so in whites, and to a minor extent in orange and rosé wines. These tannins give wine a bitter edge and astringency, but this sensation offers the structure to the wine, which can elevate the wine-drinking experience and enhance its maturation potential. At VinoVoss, we categorize tannins based on their intensity and structure, from low to high: gentle, smooth, silky, velvety, firm, grainy, and high.

Understanding tannins in wine

Tannins serve a dual purpose: they enhance longevity and aid in the maturation of bottled wines. Acting as natural preservatives, wines rich in tannins are less susceptible to oxidation due to their protective nature. This protective quality might even reduce the need for winemakers to use sulphur dioxide (SO2), a important factor for VinoVossers with allergies.

Tannins play a complex role in wine. (Credit: Dalle-E)

With time, tannins undergo a transformation. While initially they might be robust and pronounced, over time they soften, taking on a grainier texture. However, there’s a minor drawback: tannins can settle to the bottom of the bottle, creating sediment or “deposit”. These deposits are completely natural and harmless. To savor your wine without the sediment, consider pouring it through a tea filter into a decanter or wine glass. This way, you may enjoy every drop of your wine without interruption.

Explore Vinovoss to wines with a smooth or grainy tannin structure.

by Peter Douglas

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