For all those who have not heard of the German V.D.P., which stands for Verein Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter, yet, here is the official link to their webpage with a short introduction to what it comprises…

… & for all other VinoVossers out there is a quick glance at the results of the annual tasting of the “Grand Cru” wines 2022, the so classified VDP.GROSSEN GEWÄCHSE®.

At the pre-premiere of VDP.GROSSEN GEWÄCHSE® in Wiesbaden, there were 599 wines presented in total from the vintages 2022 and some even older on the tables.

The range of style was quite huge as one might expect.

Photo: Big Dodzy,

The Vintage Quality of 2022

We are talking about a certainly hot year that was rather the other side of the coin compared to the cooler and rainy 2021 vintage.

Unlike 2021’s focus on freshness and acidity, 2022 emphasizes fruit. It ranges from pronounced to occasionally sharp, but harmoniously enhances structure, adding body. In the best cases, it’s a symphony of flavors. Winemakers handled this well, making tasting in Wiesbaden a joy to numerous professionals of the wine industry.

Great, some really outstanding results have been put on the tables.

2022 In Detail

In 2022, a warm spring prevented late frost damage, and rapid vine growth occurred in the spring months. The subsequent summer was marked by abundant sunshine and drought, accelerating ripening. Vineyards with good water supply thrived, while younger ones faced challenges. Harvest began early in many regions due to the summer’s heat. Grape selection and yield reduction were common to ensure quality. Some VDP.GROSSE LAGE® vineyards reached optimal ripeness earlier. Autumn rains sometimes pressured the harvest, highlighting the importance of precise timing.

At A Glance

Now, a year later, the 2022 white wine vintage of the VDP.GROSSE GEWÄCHSE® presents elegance, balanced acidity, and impressive concentration, reflecting winemakers’ adaptability to warmer and drier years.

Photo: Edward Howell,

2021 In Detail

Conversely, the 2021 red wine vintage experienced a late harvest due to delayed warm spring temperatures. Cool weather persisted, with a surge in growth in June accompanied by frequent rainfall, demanding significant effort from winemakers. Summer brought persistent rain and an unusually cool August. However, a warm and dry September allowed grapes to ripen. After celebrating the acclaimed 2021 white wine vintage, wine enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the 2021 red wine vintage.

This red wine vintage reflects the weather, resulting in wines with a distinctive cool aroma and captivating acidity, thanks to well-watered vines, cooler temperatures, and the prolonged ripening period through dedicated work by winemakers.

Enhancing German Vineyard Classification: Changes Ahead?

During the conference, Steffen Christmann, the current society president, also revealed a noteworthy update: commencing this year, the vineyard classification system will undergo reassessment. This move aligns with the integration of Erstes Gewächs (First Growth) and Großes Gewächs (Grand Cru) into German wine regulations. The revised classification will not solely rely on historical factors but also incorporate input from critics, wine quality, and the vineyard’s reputation. This process will be ongoing, with vineyards re-evaluated every five years to maintain the association’s high standards. This is especially pertinent as some wines presented at the event, meant to epitomize quality, fell short during tastings.

So far there is little more to add. We deliberately aim not to put any names or wines here but rather want to encourage you as VinoVosser to explore and check out what’s been new on the market lately.

It is evident those young wines will benefit from further development. So why not go and browse for some older vintages from the V.D.P. to see how they got this way long?

by Lotte Gabrovits

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