Different styles of Rosé you should not miss

In the vast landscape of wine, one category often overlooked is rosé. At VinoVoss, we've thought about why it isn't getting enough attention. The truth is, it offers a spectrum of flavors and styles that can grace any palate. Here is why its worthwhile to find out more about your next favorite rosé styles.

Happy friends are celebrating the holiday, clinking glasses of rosé wine in Dubai. (Credit: Jasmina, stock.adobe.com)

Rosé has surged in popularity in the U.S. in recent years, reflecting a global trend. Its unique flavors excite the senses, drawing an increasing number of enthusiasts to explore these pink treasures. While red, white, and blush wines have been beloved for centuries, rosé's ascent since 1990 has been remarkable.

From the delicate pale hues of Provence to the luscious pink of white Zinfandel and the deeper tones of Tavel rosé from France, the variety is vast. But what distinguishes these styles? Is it the grape varietals, the terroir, or perhaps the winemaking technique? In truth, it's a combination of all these factors.

How is Rosé Wine Made?

Let's take a closer look into the fascinating world of rosé production, beginning with the diverse winemaking methods employed.


In this process, grape skins are allowed to macerate in the juice, infusing it with color and flavor. While red wines often macerate for extended periods—weeks or even months—rosés undergo a much shorter maceration of just two to three hours to one day. This brief maceration gives rosés their signature pale pink color.

Saignée Method

In this technique, a portion of red wine juice is "bled off" after brief skin contact. This process yields rosés with lighter colors and less intense flavors compared to their maceration-made counterparts.


While blending red and white wines to produce rosé is a common practice worldwide, notably in Champagne where red wine is added in the final stage of the sparkling wine production, creating a beautiful rosé color. A few drops of a deep red color can make the difference. However, this practice is often prohibited in Europe for still wines, with some exceptions such as in La Mancha. Occasionally, you may encounter American blends that produce fantastic rosés by blending white and red wines.

Key Varieties for Rosé Wines

Most pink wines are based on thin-skinned varieties such as Pinot Noir and Grenache. Some of the best Provence Rosés or those from the Loire Valley are made from a blend of multiple varieties. Depending on the type of rosé, Grenache and Syrah can provide a solid foundation for a full-bodied style. Pinot Noir grapes can contribute color to Rosé Champagne.

Traveling south to Bordeaux, one encounters light and fruit-driven types of rosé wine, with Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé, sometimes referred to as Clairette, offering surprises. For some wine lovers, French rosés are considered the best in the world, though preferences of types of wine naturally vary according to individual palate.

In essence, the world of rosé is as diverse as it is delightful. Whether you prefer a dry rosé from Provence or a fruity pink Zinfandel, there's a style for every taste and occasion. So, the next time you peruse the wine aisle, don't overlook the pink gems waiting to be discovered.

A Tiny List of Rosés to get Inspired











Lotte Gabrovits

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