We're all familiar with that feeling: having a fantastic night out with friends, filled with good times and amazing wine. The effect of alcohol may reduce the quality of the next day, as the hangover can be so severe. There are ways to lessen the damage for the next day.

Here are our favorite methods to mitigate or prevent hangovers.

Please note, that those are not hangover cures, nor general life or medical advice.

The risk of hangover can be reduced by following some guidelines. (Photo: Fantesca Estate & Winery on Unsplash.com)

Stay Hydrated

It may seem obvious, but it's worth mentioning. Alcohol dehydrates the body. It's said that for every glass of wine, one should drink a glass of water. By consistently consuming non-alcoholic fluids, not only will your body stay hydrated, but you'll also likely drink less alcohol.

Drinking in Moderation

The simplest strategy is to moderate alcohol intake. According to various health institutes, women should not have more than one drink per day, and men, two. One drink is approximately 150 ml of wine with around 12% ABV.

We do not encourage or promote excessive drinking, but choosing to drink less, yet better-quality wine, could be an opportunity to premiumize your wine experience.


Drink Lighter Wines

It's common sense that wines with a high ABV can quickly reach the recommended maximum levels. There are some amazing low-ABV wines out there, ranging from premium dry or off-dry Riesling to lower-calorie Chardonnay from Kendall-Jackson, to wines with reduced alcohol levels. Choosing an elegant red wine instead of a heavy Amarone or Primitivo might also be a good opportunity.


Eat Carbohydrates

Alcohol consumption may lower your blood sugar levels, so theoretically, your hangover could result from your brain running out of fuel. By adding carbohydrates into your meal, or by munching on toasties or other snacks, you can maintain your blood sugar levels at a normal stage.

Drink Water with Vitamin C Before Going to Bed

This tip is commonly recommended when visiting Eastern Europe. In countries where daily excessive drinking is common and a robust tolerance has been built, they have come up with a method to reduce the damage.

They squeeze a lemon into half a liter of water and drink the acidic liquid slowly before going to bed. Although it's not guaranteed to work, replenishing your Vitamin C and staying hydrated certainly helps. This can be augmented by adding Vitamin B and Zinc, replenishing your electrolytes.

The Day After

Up to this point, we've discussed ways to reduce the impact of a hangover for the next day. However, once a hangover sets in, options for relief can seem limited. We advise against taking pain relievers as they could trigger an allergic reaction. Commonly, aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can alleviate pain. Yet, caution is advised with Tylenol, as it may increase liver damage.

The Morning Routine

Introducing caffeine into your system can certainly lift your spirits. While it doesn't serve as an anti-hangover remedy, it does help in getting out of bed.

Pair your caffeine with fresh fruit and vitamins to provide your body with what it needs. Although delicious, fatty food can upset your sensitive digestive system, potentially exacerbating hangover symptoms.

The Hair of the Dog

A timeless classic is to wake up the next morning, feeling worse of the consumed alcoholic beverages and high amounts of alcohol consumed. Yet, some wine lovers opt for an alcoholic drink in the morning, be it a glass of wine, Gin Tonic or beer. Yet, drinking alcohol does not reduce the hangover, it might help you feel a little better. A morning alcohol withdrawal allows the liver to rest and regenerate, which might be healthier in the long run.

Please consider our advice with a grain of salt, as it is not medically approved, nor should it be viewed as life advice. The best method to avoid hangovers is to avoid drinking or consume wine in moderation and to be mindful of your surroundings.

Peter Douglas

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