

Perle is a pink skinned German cross with floral notes

Colour, Aromas and Taste Profile

Perle is a pink-berried variety. Its signiture is its rose-like parental perfume aromas. However, the wine is usually but short on freshness.

Fresh Perle grapes on the vine

Regional Features & Food Pairings

Perle is predominantly in Germany, mainly in Franken. Perle is a late budding, and mid ripening variety. It is relatively productive with moderate sugar level berries. Perle's light, fruity and acidic wines are best paired with light dishes such as salads, fish and shellfish. Fun Fact: Developed at Würzburg in the 1950s and authorized in 1961, with parentage confirmed by DNA profiling.

Foods to pair with Perle:

Light meat
Fun Fact about Perle

Top Wines with Perle

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