
Jurancon Blanc

Jurancon Blanc is a white grape variety that is used as a base for armagnac or cognac.

Colour, Aromas and Taste Profile

Jurancon Blanc has a pale yellow-green colour with grey tinges. Its a relative neutural grape variety.

Fresh Jurancon Blanc grapes on the vine

Regional Features & Food Pairings

This variety is primarily grown in the Jurancon appellation of south-west France, on the slopes of the Pyrenees mountains. It is also found in neighbouring regions such as Béarn, Pays Basque, and Hautes-Pyrénées. Jurancon Blanc is a challenging variety for grpae growers. Because it is very suceptible to downy mildew and botrytis rot. Its prensence delined drastically in the past fifty years.

Foods to pair with Jurancon Blanc:

Asian food
Light meat
Fun Fact about Jurancon Blanc
The name Jurançon was first mentioned in 1839 and also under the name 'Plant de Dame' meaning 'Lady's Plant'. .

Top Wines with Jurancon Blanc

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