

Huxelrebe is a white grape variety that produces wines with light to medium body and floral aromas. It is mainly grown in Germany, particularly in the Rheinhessen and Palatinate.

Colour, Aromas and Taste Profile

Huxelrebe is a green-skinned grape with a light yellow hue. Its aromas are commonly described as floral, with notes of melon, honey and peach. Its taste profile is generally aromatic. The acidity is usually high.

Fresh Huxelrebe grapes on the vine

Regional Features & Food Pairings

Huxelrebe is mainly grown in Germany but also found in England on less than 50 hectares Huxelrebe is a late ripening variety with high siugar levels that produces high yields. It is vigorous, requiring careful canopy management to ensure optimal ripening. Winemakers usually produce still wines or use it as a blending partner. In Germany, Huxelrebe is used to produce wines ranging from dry to sweet. The dry styles are light-bodied, with floral aromas and citrus fruit flavours. The sweet styles are richer, with more intense aromas and a balanced sweetness. Huxelrebe pairs well with light dishes such as seafood and white meats. Its light body and delicate aromas make it a good accompaniment to sushi and other Asian cuisines.

Foods to pair with Huxelrebe:

Asian food
Light meat
Fun Fact about Huxelrebe
Huxelrebe is a crossing between Gutedel and Courtiller Musqué, created by Dr. Georg Scheu in 1927. Its name is derived from the nurseryman Fritz Huxel, who was the first

Top Wines with Huxelrebe

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