Bright Champagne lunch with friends yielded a surprisingly bracing and fruit-forward vintage, with tones of apple, lemon, and kiwi, at the same time the yeast touches were noticeably absent.
Vibrant and zesty drink, with a pear-like consistency and a round shape, evocative of a juicy red apple.
Bubbly Etxegoien
A balanced and elegant Pol Roger, with a leaner profile and a delightful cohesion of acidity, harmoniously suited to pair with a variety of dishes, featuring a intense and buttery color, with a sophisticated nose that highlights toasted hazelnut, roasted walnut, and a suggestion of brioche, blended by the sweetness of bruised apple and the tanginess of tarte tatin, accompanied by a luxurious and creamy texture, with a long and rewarding conclusion that leaves the profile feeling refreshed and revitalized, and a glass that is filled with an endless stream of bubbles that rise to the top, releasing a delightful array of citrus and floral notes, with sliced golden apple, Rivera pear, and a wisp of grapefruit.