Girl & Dragon Pinot Grigio is a refreshing white wine produced by a renowned winemaker. The grapes are sourced from select vineyards in Veneto, known for its ideal growing conditions. The vineyards are characterized by their unique microclimates and soil types, which impart distinct flavors and aromas to the wine. The winemaking process involves careful selection of the grapes, gentle pressing, and cool fermentation to preserve the delicate fruit flavors. The resulting wine is crisp and lively, with notes of citrus and tropical fruits, and a clean, refreshing finish.
Girl & Dragon Pinot Grigio is a light and refreshing white wine with a lively bouquet of citrus, melon and green apple.On the palate, the wine is crisp and dry, with a pleasant acidity and a long finish. The flavors are bright and vibrant, with a delicate balance of citrus, melon and green apple notes. A perfect accompaniment to a summer salad or light seafood dish, this Pinot Grigio is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Veneto is a region in the north-eastern part of Italy, located between the Adriatic Sea and the Alps. It is one of the most important wine-producing regions in the country, with a long history of winemaking and a wide variety of wines.
The history of winemaking in Veneto dates back to the Roman Empire, when the region was known as Venetia. The Romans planted vineyards in the area and developed a variety of winemaking techniques. In the Middle Ages, Veneto was home to some of the most renowned winemakers in Europe, and the region's wines were highly sought after. Today, Veneto is one of the most important wine-producing regions in Italy, with a wide range of styles and varieties.