Oltenia and Muntenia are two historical regions located in southern Romania. They are known for producing a variety of red and white wines, with a focus on indigenous grape varieties. The wine industry in these regions has a long history dating back to ancient times, and has undergone significant development in recent years.
The main grape varieties grown in Oltenia and Muntenia include Fetească Neagră, Fetească Regală, Tămâioasă Românească, and Cabernet Sauvignon. These grapes are used to produce a range of red and white wines, including dry, semi-sweet, and sweet styles. The region is particularly known for its full-bodied red wines made from Fetească Neagră.
The main grape varieties grown in Oltenia and Muntenia include Fetească Neagră, Fetească Regală, Tămâioasă Românească, and Cabernet Sauvignon. These grapes are used to produce a range of red and white wines, including dry, semi-sweet, and sweet styles. The region is particularly known for its full-bodied red wines made from Fetească Neagră.
Oltenia and Muntenia, in southern Romania, form the heartland of Romanian winemaking. Their continental climate and diverse terroirs yield a range of wines, with native grape varieties like Fetească Albă and Tămâioasă Românească expressing the region's cultural heritage.