Shrimp Tempura
Shrimp Tempura

Shrimp Tempura is a crispy, deep-fried dish featuring succulent shrimp coated in a light, airy batter. The shrimp are dipped in a mixture of flour, water, and sometimes egg before being submerged in hot oil until golden brown. The result is a delicate, crunchy exterior that gives way to tender, sweet shrimp, offering a satisfying umami flavor.


Shrimp Tempura, a classic deep-fried dish, features succulent shrimp coated in a light, crispy batter. The delicate seafood flavors and umami notes pair well with a refreshing white wine like Verdejo, known for its crisp acidity and citrus notes. The wine's light body and zesty character complement the tempura's texture, while cleansing the palate between bites. Alternatively, a sparkling wine's effervescence can cut through the richness of the fried dish.