Honeyed Almond Figs
Honeyed Almond Figs

Honeyed Almond Figs is a delightful fruit-based dessert that showcases the natural sweetness of fresh figs. The figs are gently drizzled with honey and sprinkled with aromatic cinnamon, then topped with a dollop of creamy Greek yogurt and a scattering of crunchy almonds. This simple yet elegant dish offers a delightful contrast of textures and flavors in every bite.


The Honeyed Almond Figs dessert, featuring fresh figs, Greek yogurt, honey, cinnamon, and almonds, pairs well with a sweet dessert wine. The Malvasia grape, known for its aromatic and honeyed notes, complements the natural sweetness of the figs and honey. Alternatively, a fortified Petit Verdot dessert wine, with its rich and full-bodied character, can stand up to the dish's luscious texture and provide a delightful contrast to the creamy yogurt and crunchy almonds.